Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fr.Jozo's Refletion

" With all of my being I desire to enter into the very core of that Loveand to respond to the greatest challenge of love. How am I to do this?It is through my surrender. Our Lady tells us that only through givingwill we be able to comprehend the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Crossfor each of us. Yes, we are to respond to Love, with love. And there isno greater love than this - to give one’s life for one’s friends. OurLord says so simply, “You are my friends”. How are we then to respondto this grace with our life and how are we to live it? The Queen ofPeace tells us that it is through giving. Our giving is the beginningof this way of faith and love. She also tells us what it is that wehave to give, “ Little children, give time to God.”

For the full text from Fr.Jozo vist

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