"There must be those, who with their prayers, accompany the conversions, the confessors, and the confessions, so that every penitent may remove the old self and be clothed in the new- so that every penitent can return joyful to his family and community. Once again, we are called to be love and light to all those who have been overcome by darkness and sin. Imagine how cunningly Satan used a plastic Rosary as a target, saying that it has evil signs. Dear brothers and sisters, I am obliged to tell you the complete truth about this. Satanic signs and symbols exist. Those who belong to him and to his projects exist. His goal is always to destroy prayer and everything that is from God. There is no satanic Rosary or a factory that makes satanic Rosaries. Every Rosary that is blessed receives a blessing and becomes a certain sign in the hands of one who prays it. The right question in prayer is 'how we pray' and not on 'what kind of a Rosary we pray on or what material it is made of."
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